Our 1 Year Frank-iversary


Just about a year ago, a friend that I met through my Oiselle local ladies posted in one of our local female trail runner groups that she was in the unfortunate position of having to re-home her Australian Cattle Dog, Frank. B and I had been talking for a year or two about adding another dog to our pack and when I saw her post, I bought it up to B. He was already trained and was 1 1/2 years old, which I thought was perfect because I didn’t want another puppy. I reached out to her and we met up at the dog park for Frank and Arthur to meet. They got along well so B and I, after some discussion, told her that whenever she was ready, we would be happy to bring Frank home.

I am very close to Arthur - he came into our lives when I was in a very dark place and we have a very co-dependent relationship. I thought there was no way I could love another dog as much as I love him.


If you know anything about cattle dogs, they definitely choose their “person”. I thought for sure that Frank would bond with B right away since at the beginning of the pandemic, he was working from home so he spent literally all his time with B. However, I have come to terms with the fact that I now have two dog-shaped shadows that follow me everywhere and want to be with me all the time.

Frank is such an amazing dog. He is intelligent and high-energy and really loves to be around Arthur. Seriously, if you ask him “where’s your brother?” he runs through the house looking for him. He also really loves our camping trips and going on hiking adventures.

Happy 1-year Adoptiversary, Frank!


Planning Our Colorado Road Trip


Spring Ahead