The Caffeinated RN

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Marathon Training Progress

Well, we are just over 10 weeks out from the race and I will say this, my training has been...MEH.

My first real run for this training cycle, I went out and ran 6.5 miles. I figured "I've run a marathon and an ultra, I'll be fine." Well, my friends, I was not fine. 

Rain, cold, but trying to stay positive!

My most recent runs have been plagued by a persistent and nagging pain in my left hip. After describing my pain and having my hip manipulated at work, the general thought is an irritated psoas. The solution from the docs I work with was to take it easy, ease into my training, and back off if it starts to hurt.

Which means that I've been running small amounts but still trying to remain active. Arthur and I have been going on walks several times a week. I'm also getting back into my cross training and doing workouts at home (since I don't want to make a fool of myself at the gym).

On a brighter note, I already hit my fundraising goal for Team WHS! Can't wait to get out there and represent such a wonderful community organization!

Here's to hoping the next part of my training cycle is much more positive and productive!