The Caffeinated RN

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Making Changes in 2019


Well, that was an unexpected three month hiatus. I'm not going to lie, this post was driven by the fact that my mother (who I'm pretty sure is one of the only people who reads this anyways, hi Kat!) brought up that I haven't posted since October. 

A lot has been going on since my last post. B and I went back to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (which I meant to post a trip recap but forgot - comment down below if you want to see that still!), I was made a preceptor at work so I'm currently training two nurses, and I start training in the trauma room next week! The holidays came and went. It's so easy to lose track of my little space here on the internet, especially with everything that is happening in every other part of my life.

I thought I would pop over and share the word that I chose to represent what I want for 2019. I followed Jess Massey's prompts and chose the word:


I feel like the last two years has been a great big circle of work, house, work, house, with sleep shoved in there. B and I were able to take some cool, short vacations but I would love for this year to center around adventure in every aspect of my life. For instance, I know that trauma training will be a new adventure in my career and I need to kick my butt in gear to finish my BSN. B and I have big plans for the house and yard (yay adventures in adulting lol) and big plans for vacations. 

Something that I need to embrace is saying yes to more opportunities. I tend to be quite the homebody, which is an unfortunate side effect of working third shift. I'm awake when everyone else is asleep. So I do things everyone else does, just at midnight. I miss out on a lot. I'm also dealing with some other stuff, but that's another story for another day. I want to make the most of my time and energy and experience as much as I can.

Some of the topics I'm going to start sharing here include healthy eating, things about nursing, rocking the night shift, going back to running, and working out. I'd still like to do the "what I'm currently loving" posts once a week if I can get my ass in gear and remember.

So thanks for sticking with me this long, and here's to an adventurous 2019!