What I'm Loving This Week

Here's a roundup of thing I've been loving this week. Enjoy!

You all know that I love Lincoln Park After Dark from OPI. Well, I had my third bottle of that stuff go gloppy on me (because really, who uses up a whole bottle of nail polish?) and I saw this color at Target and picked it up. This color is that dark maroon-y purple, but doesn't look as black when it is on the nails and I'm loving it!

It's Kingdom of Ash release week! This is the last book in Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass series and I cannot wait to read it! Sarah has really woven such a beautiful and wonderful story about hope, perseverance, and loyalty. I can't wait to see how the series ends, although I'll probably be crying by the last page.

image via 

I was sick a few days this week so I binge-watched all three seasons of Ladies of London. This was one of my favorite Bravo shows and I was very sad when they didn't continue it. Marissa Hermer and Julie Montague are my favorites.

Have a great weekend!


Making Changes in 2019


Wick and Fable September Box - Back to Hogwarts