Product Review & Giveaway: SmellWell Pouches
"Disclaimer: I received a pair of SmellWell Pouches to review and a pair to give away as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"
Every runner (or, I imagine every runner) deals with smelly gear. From the sweat-soaked shirts and shorts to the mud-covered, stinky shoes, most of our gear ends up having some sort of funk in one way or another.
You know you wanna...Smell Well! (see what I did there?)
SmellWell makes these little insert pouches that come in packs of 2 that can be used in a myriad of ways. They absorb moisture, remove odor, prevent bacteria (YES!) and add a fresh scent to your gear.
As a nurse, you know that I'm all about bacteria prevention. Having these for shoes is perfect. Since they get rid of moisture and prevent bacteria, you know that you're not risking getting some nasty fungal infection from gross shoes.
Essential for trail marathon training for sure!
I'm extremely sensitive to certain types of scents so I was curious to see how the "fresh scent" would be tolerated. When you first take the pouches out of the box, it's definitely noticeable but not offensive in any way. I feel like the smell is what a "fresh linen" type of scent tries to smell like. And now that I've had them in my shoes and in my gym bag, I can still slightly smell the fresh scent but it isn't as strong as it was right out of the package. No worries, my gear is still odor-free!
No stink for these trail shoes!
I've also put these inside my work shoes (can't take pictures inside the hospital, but trust me, my work shoes have #allthestink and these got them smelling the way they did right out of their box when they were brand new!) and inside my work locker (like I said, we get stinky at work!) and they worked wonders! I'll definitely be picking up a few more pairs!
If you wanna add some SmellWell to your life, you can get 3 sets for the price of 2 (so buy 2, get 1 free!) with the code BIBPRO10 on Amazon using this link.
OR, you can try your luck at winning a pair of SmellWell Pouches!
Use the Rafflecopter form to enter below!
Giveaway will run from July 4th thru July 9th. Winner will be announced on my Twitter and Instagram!
Terms and Conditions: Contest is for 1 pair of floral-patterned SmellWell Pouches. US only, sorry international running friends! Entries will be verified - no cheating! I reserve the right to disqualify entries (please don't make me do that!) Entries will also be compared to winners of the other BibRave Pro giveaways for this product and you will be ineligible if you won another Pro's giveaway. Thank you and good luck!