The Caffeinated RN

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Friday Love List

July has roared in like a lion with temps in the 90s, lots of humidity, and more free time than I've had in several years!

Anna Weber, one of the Haute Volee for Oiselle, was in town for two days so myself and Sheila, our fearless Oiselle Volee WI leader, met up with her for a ~4.5 mile run down by the lakefront. It was certainly hot out even with the lake breeze, but we still had a blast!

If you know me, you know I love a good coffee mug. A dear friend bought me the "Like A Boss" one as a graduation gift and I picked up the Nurse Laura one from this Etsy shop (lots of customizable designs!) Can't wait to take it t the new job (whenever I get one, that is).

Now that school is done, boards are over and passed, and I have more free time, I'm trying to get back into my normal workout routine. I went back to yoga on Monday night (which felt SO AMAZING), got in a few solid runs, and trying to get back on the healthy eating bandwagon. Arthur is clearly an awesome coach, since he seems to think when I'm stretching that's the perfect place for him to lay down.

I hit the 700 mile milestone for the 2, 016 in 2016 challenge. I clearly need to step it up to get another 1300 miles in before the end of the year! 

I hope you have a great weekend! Stay cool!