Day 2: Things You're Good At - 30 Days of Lists

For more information on my 30 Days of Lists challenge for Blogvember, please see my Day 1 post :)

Day 2: Things You're Good At

  • Planning. I'm an obsessive planner and I feel that I've gotten quite good at it. Trips, parties, time management, you name it.
  • Gift giving. Yes, I think that is a thing you can be good at. I spend a lot of time picking out gifts for my family and friends that I think they will love. I also rock at wrapping gifts. Just saying. (I love making large ribbon curls!) Sidetone: Christmas is my least favorite holiday.
  • Organization. Although the state of my house right now might point to the contrary, I'm pretty good at organization and when I'm not in nursing school, I keep the house organized.
  • Reading. I rock the shit out of reading. I can't wait until school is done and I can do all sorts of FUN reading and not school-related reading. 

What kinds of things are you good at?
Let me know in the comments!

October Birchbox


Day 1: A Few Things About Yourself - 30 Days of Lists