The Caffeinated RN

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July Stridebox

I can't even count how many Strideboxes I've gotten that I never posted anything about. Looks like I need to kick myself in the ass a little bit on the ol' blog here!

July's Theme: Run Free!

In my box:

Champion Naturals - Invigorate Workout Sports Drink

Support performance, sustain energy, and promote recovery with this great-tasting intra-workout booster. Great before, during, or after.

Honey Stinger Organic Waffle in Gingersnap

The classic Honey Stinger waffle you love in a great new flavor. The subtle ginger flavor makes this a great pre-run snack.

GU Energy Gel in Salted Watermelon

Voted the official flavor of the Rock 'n Roll Marathon, this gel goes down easy and goes to work fast to keep you moving.

Bonk Breaker Bonk Bites in Blueberry Oat

Delicious blueberry flavor. This great tasting energy bar in a compact size is perfect to enjoy during your training sessions or long runs.

2Toms SportsShield Anti-Chafe

A chafing solution in a convenient to use towelette application. Greatly reduces the friction that causes blisters, chafing, and irritation.

Stridebox Hydration Bottle & Sampler

A few of our favorite hydration options in a handy bottle with marked graduated measurements. Use for all your hydration needs.

In The Water Bottle Sampler:

Zym Eletrolyte Tablets in Grape

Hydration for exercise, training, and competition. With 100 mg of caffeine and sweetened with all-natural Stevia.

CocoGo  in Grape and Raspberry Passion

2 great flavors to try! Coconut water plus real fruit deliver an ideal balance of electrolytes. Great taste, steady energy, and no cramps.

Nuun in Lemon Lime and Tri-Berry

Each great-tasting flavor delivers a fast-absorbing electrolyte blend with no sugar and no artificial flavors or colors.

I love that this month, there were lots of things to add to water. I will admit, I'm not a big fan of GU energy shots. I tried doing one last year when I was training for my Brewers Mini Marathon and I almost puked (on my run!) because I wasn't anticipating how THICK it was. And even though I had the raspberry flavor, it was not as sweet as one would anticipate. So that salted watermelon might go into my bag of stuff that I give to my other running friends to try.
I'm so excited to try two products by CocoGo! One of my favorite running bloggers, Jen, loves that stuff! Although what's up with all the grape-flavored stuff?
Oh, anti-chafe stuff. During the #runchat this past Sunday night, we had a whole discussion about chafing and how it's a real issue. During my Rock 'n Sole half marathon, I wore my tight running shorts and had a lot of chafing in my upper thigh area. (Also, totally saw a dude with bloody nipples. WHAT?!) So I'm excited to try out a new anti-chafe product.

StrideBox is a monthly subscription box geared towards runners. For $15 per month (that includes shipping!) you get a wide array of products ranging from gels to apparel to every bars from all different brands (established and emerging). It's a ton of fun and a great way to try out new products!

Go to their website to learn more and sign up!

**This is not a sponsored post! My subscription is paid for with my own money and I do not receive any compensation from Stridebox or its affiliates. I just love sharing products I enjoy!**