Friday Love List
Clearly I am never going to be able to make blogging any sort of professional pursuit. Here I had posts all ready to go for this past week...and I forgot to schedule them. Like a lame-o.
I have t-minus 4 days until I leave for Tennessee for the NSNA National Convention and I've been going crazy trying to accomplish everything on my to-do list. Sometimes the list gets so overwhelming that I feel the need to take a 3-hour nap. Because naps aren't worth it unless they're 3 hours long, apparently. All the stress will be worth it though; this is going to be a fantastic experience.
Here's a few things I loved this week.
Monday brought us Opening Day for my Milwaukee Brewers (and they won! yay!) and it was all I could think about at work. This is the first year in three (?) years that I haven't gone, which made me sad. But this summer has lots of baseball games in it, I just know it!
I went on a quest at Target for peanut butter Oreos (which I didn't know were a thing) and found BIRTHDAY CAKE OREOS (which I also didn't know were a thing). These are so delicious but I'm pretty sure eating a row of them might haven given me a cavity.
Just kidding.
I had a wonderful practice this past week at BodyFlow and managed to do Bird Pose TWICE without falling on my face.
In addition to being Opening Day, Monday also brought my
IWYP by Whitney Ellen UNICORN T-SHIRT AND KOOZIE!!!! I squealed when I saw the gold package in my mailbox and have been wearing the shirt nonstop.
Working with kids has its perks. One of them is that I can justify spending $7 on a badge holder just because it depicts a smiling brain. I found this one from an Etsy shop called
BadgeBlooms. She has lots of super cute badge holders for just about any medical specialty there is!
I sent my engagement ring to the ring spa and picked her up, all shiny and re-rhodium-ed on Wednesday. Now I just need to remember to not wear her to work, since hand sanitizer seems to like eating through the rhodium coating.
Clearly I was motivated to get shit done this week. I got my hair colored and cut on Wednesday so that I don't look like a hot mess at this professional conference. I also had to go buy business casual clothing...I feel weird wearing dress pants, that's for sure.
This nugget completely supports my decisions to take 3 hour long naps. Honestly, snuggling up with him when I get home from class on Thursdays is one of the best parts of my week.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! I will be rockin' it out at work!