Friday Love List & #backthatazzup

Mother Nature is apparently PMSing. And has Bitchy Resting Face. I mean, we've had 50+ mph winds since last night. Which spells disaster for those of us who own pups with anxiety problems. Needless to say, I didn't get to bed until WELL after 1 am. That was not the best way to welcome Friday.

My 106 class was cancelled this week because the instructors had an inservice day or something (I never question too much when it means I don't have to drive 45+ minutes to campus) so I spent all day Thursday chilling in bed with Riley and doing homework/working on some blog stuff. It was a day well-spent, in my opinion. Except today I have to catch up on all the housework I was going to do yesterday and didn't.

I'll be spending my whole weekend at work (very exciting) but here's a few things I loved this past week.

Since B is the master grilled cheese maker, I decided to mix it up and use cheddar/mozzarella cheese instead of American and added sliced tomatoes and avocado to my sandwich. Then I felt bad for the other half of the avocado that didn't make it onto my sandwich so I ate that on the side along with some strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. I feel like the fruit balanced out the white bread and the cheese on my sandwich. Yay healthy eating!

In honor of National Love Your Pet Day, here's a picture of Riley that I woke him up bright and early on Thursday to take. He is less than amused, in case you couldn't tell.

I found travel-themed coffee mugs at Target a couple weeks ago and used the London one to house my morning coffee today. Makes me miss that city so damn much! If you've never been there, you need to go. It's one of the most amazing places ever.

Now that I have burned through all my winter candles, the summer ones are out in full force! And by summer candles I mean the 10 Coconut Lime Verbena candles I bought last time Bath and Body Works had their 2 for $22 sale and I had a bunch of coupons to use up. So at least I paid next to nothing for them :) But I'm over this whole #polarvortex and #windvortex business. Bring on the sunshine and warm weather!

The highlight of my Friday so far is that my Birchbox orders came today! I will be doing a review on the Coola sunscreen; this is the first time I've tried a product from them and I wanted to see if my crazy sensitive skin would tolerate it. And I'm all about that SPF life.

Of course, no Friday Love List post would be complete without my jam for the week.

Yes, I've been jamming out to a song from a kid's movie soundtrack. What?


Weekend Recap & Monday Target Haul


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