Race Weekend Shenanigans!

Here we are again, another Monday. After the busy and fun weekend B and I had, going back to work tomorrow is gonna be tough!

My race on Saturday went AMAZING! Afterwards, we went for brunch then headed north to spend the night at our friend's lake house with some fantastic peeps.

I found this on Friday and thought it really expressed how I feel about races. While running 13.1 miles before 10 am on one of my Saturdays off isn't the most exciting thing in the world, it makes me feel amazing to know what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it!

I shaved 18 (!) minutes off my time from last year! All that training paid off!

Rockin' my medal outside of Miller Park!

33.948 steps in one day? BOOYAH!

Post-race bloody mary from Cafe Hollander - The Milwaukeean. So delicious!

How B and I spent our Sunday: watching Pitch Perfect at the lakehouse with our friend's little peanut fluffball, Cloey.

I'm linking up with Sami for Weekend Shenanigans!

Sami's Shenanigans


Fall Weekend Shenanigans!


Friday Love List and #backthatazzup