Friday Love List and #backthatazzup

Well hello there, Friday! Way to sneak up on me!

I was off most of this week and got two awesome classes at the gym in, as well as some good training runs (short ones this week, none were longer than 5 miles). Today marks 3 weeks until I will be in Madison preparing for the Madison Mini Marathon! But that is a whole other post (that will hopefully be going up next week).

Here's a few things I loved this week.

I met a few of my friends from school for coffee on Tuesday morning so we could all vent about not being ready to start school in a month. Since I'm always the early bird, I read some of my Runner's World magazine and made some notes in my Simplified Datebook.

On Tuesday night at my BodyFlow class (a Les Mills class that is mostly yoga with some Pilates and Tai Chi mixed in) my poor used and abused 2-year old yoga mat got a tear in it (while I was in down dog and totally almost faceplanted into the floor). I took that as a sign that it was time for me to make the investment in The Mat from lululemon. Yes, it's $68, but the quality is unbelievable and I'm just in love with it.

My sweet fatty puppy turned 7 years old on Wednesday! I got this little chunk when he was 8 weeks old from a puppy mill (legit, I showed up to this place and there were two barns full of rows of cages of puppies, it was terrifying) and he has been my bestie ever since. Those of you who have dogs totally get it. The connection I have with this furball is unreal. Love him to death, even when he's being a hellbeast.

I've been getting some crappy-ass shin splints on my longer runs lately. I knew I needed some insoles for my shoes but was dragging my feet on going to get them, mostly because they're not cheap ($45!) and I just don't like dealing with salespeople. My friend Sam went to REI with me and I waited until the salesperson in the shoe department was helping some mom buy shoes for her little herd of children to try these out and grabbed my size (I'm a C, which is women's sizes 6 1/2 to 8). I took them for a test run this morning and they feel awesome, although they raise my feet up slightly and I need to get used to that but fingers crossed, no more shin splints!

Thursday night was opening night for Greendale Community Theatre's production of Les Miserables. B is doing the sound for the show and my brother is helping out. What an amazing show! The talent in this show is fantastic and I actually liked it better than the movie version. If you live in the Milwaukee area, you should definitely go see it! Click here for more information!

And of course, it's #backthatazzup Friday!

This is one of my favorite songs to listen to while I'm running. Cuz baby, I'm a firework!


Simplified Datebook Giveaway!


Want It Wednesday: lululemon's The Mat