The Caffeinated RN

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Weekend Recap

It's so weird having weekends free to do things that I actually enjoy instead of being chained to the dining room table studying!

We have rosebushes along our sideyard (bordering with the neighbors to the west) and next to the garage that burst into bloom on Saturday. They are varying shades of pink (and no, I didn't plant them!) and smell amazing. I clipped a few of them to put in the living room for a pop of color.

Moving on with all the adult-y things B and I have to do, we have begun the cleaning out and re-do of our guest room. Within a few hours, we managed to remove everything hanging on the walls, cleaned out underneath the bed, and picked up some paint chips to pick a wall color. I think the winner is the one on the right, but we will see how they look after having a sample patch applied.

This is the third season I've volunteered with Girls on the Run Greater Milwaukee for their "Be Your Own Superhero" 5K and it is always SUCH a blast! If you ever wanna be inspired, just watch these girls run their hearts out and cross the finish line! 
I'm hoping that, now that school is done, I can maybe assistant coach a group; I think that would be so much fun and a great way to give back!

I'm working on getting back to posting regularly and I appreciate all of your continued support!
Happy Monday!