The Caffeinated RN

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RW Run Streak Days 8-14

Another week of the Runner's World Summer 2015 Run Streak down!

Some of my days got a little messed up with the labeling, not sure how that happened!

Distance: 1.0 miles
FitBit: 4.03 miles

My knee felt tweaky so I did a jog/walk with the dog to get my mile in. Hoping that knee pain isn't a sign of things to come.

Distance: 2.5 miles
FitBit: 2.28 miles

Picked up some of the Milwaukee Running Festival blend from Anodyne Coffee and hung out with (not so) little Bo!

Distance: 0.52 miles
FitBit: 2.81 miles

Ripped my BibRave Pro status on my jog/walk with Arthur on National Running Day :)

Distance: 1.0 miles
FtBit: 1.98 miles

I have no idea why this picture is smaller than the rest :P Allergies hit me like a ton of bricks so I spent more time resting than moving.

There is no Day 11 because I had a rough day at work and literally came home and went straight to sleep.

At work, I logged 4.02 miles on the FitBit!

(Also, my labeling of these days got all kinds of messed up, and Day 12 disappeared somewhere. Whoops.)

Distance: 3.10 miles
FitBit: 8.77 miles

Day 12 (which should actually be 13) was a doozy! I got in my 5K for The Puppy Run, then hit up a BodyAttack class that KICKED.MY.BUTT. We had to set up for the Girls On The Run 5K in the evening so I was definitely doing A LOT of walking and moving!

Distance: 3.1 miles
FitBit: 5.2 miles

Woohoo! We rocked out that 5K and got to see some awesome girls run their first 5K with the biggest grins on their faces! Oh, and most of the steps I did were BEFORE 11 am!

Total Running Miles: 11.22
Total FitBit Miles: 29.09

One week until the Rock 'n Sole Half Marathon!

Check out the RW Run Streak on Facebook!