Friday Love List
Hello all! My, what a week! Wisconsin's weather went from beautiful and summery to wintery to summery all in a span of 5 days!
I've had to deal with lots of challenges this week from Arthur, school, and work. But a weekend full of celebrating with friends and nice weather can hopefully remedy my crummy mood!
This is my half-hearted attempt at getting back on the horse (so to speak) in my fitness regimen. In the weeks since Riley died, I have had a hard time motivating myself to work out and eat healthy. But I have tons of races coming up soon, so I need to get it together over here.
And on the topic of healthy eating, LOL. I always have donuts at the ready on Tuesday nights for the weekly BibChat :) Somehow, the conversation always ends up at donuts.
This instagram account has become a new favorite! Who doesn't like a super cute Italian greyhound and his hairless guinea pig friend?!
Arthur's ears have become significantly more floppy, but I just melt when he sleeps and they flip backwards like this :)
Or when he just falls asleep on me and obviously, I don't want to move and wake him up!
And look who forgot to hit publish before she went out on friday night! -_-
Enjoy your weekend, friends!