Weekend Recap

Can someone explain to me the phenomenon of the week going by so slowly and the weekend just FLYING by? I don't get it!

Did some massive decluttering this weekend! It's amazing what happens when you are bound and determined to get rid of old TVs that have been in your attic for 4 years! Also sold a bunch of stuff on Poshmark that I don't use/wear in an effort to begin the closet clean-out. B discovered that the drywall isn't holding up well, so it looks like we will be taking walls down sooner rather than later. 

I also have 3 bags of stuff to take to Goodwill and a whole bag of books for Half Price Books. It's amazing how much lighter our home feels when stuff is going out rather than coming in!

We also got to spend some time with B's mom and her boyfriend, who we are traveling to Phoenix with pretty soon. I'm so excited to go back to Arizona for Spring Training!

Oh, and I also may or may not have signed up to run a 5K in April :) I CAN'T HELP IT, IT'S A PROBLEM!

I hope you all had a productive, fun weekend and are enjoying the extra hour of daylight we get now!

Happy Monday!


March Birchbox


Weekend Reading