The Caffeinated RN

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Weekend Recap

Winter has hit Wisconsin with a vengeance. The snow hasn't been as bad as in past years, but it has been bitterly cold. Which makes it really hard for me to get motivated enough to leave the house and go to the gym. I'm feeling stuck in a funk lately. :(

B and I spent the weekend up at our friends' lakehouse, relaxing and eating and just hanging out. It was nice to get away from home, even for one night.

There's a lot to look forward to in the coming months, including a vacation to Arizona for Brewers Spring Training, races, my birthday, and (hopefully) starting some bigger house projects!

In preparation for the house projects, I'm currently on a decluttering binge. Lots of books are being taken to Half Price Books and Goodwill tomorrow. My two old pairs of glasses are being taken back to Pearle Vision to be donated to, and some of my clothing is currently listed for sale on Poshmark. My closet is going to have a massive overhaul that I will be documenting here (furniture being moved, organization strategies changed, etc.)

February is getting ready to leave! One month closer to spring and then...SUMMER!