Friday Love List
I cannot believe that January is halfway over. Even though some days feel like they drag, the weeks are breezing on by!
I'm finally feeing better, just some nasal congestion and a slight cough, but I'll take that over a nasty fever and not being able to swallow because of a sore throat.
As a Sweat Pink Ambassador, I'm participating in the #noexcuses January challenge. One of the prompts this week was a plank, and I knocked out a 1 minute plank when I got home from a PM shift at work. Yes, I am wearing my scrubs in this picture. Don't judge me!
Token Riley creeper picture. He's so weird.
Another Sweat Pink #noexcuses prompt was to run 1 mile. I got one in but it was tight getting one in; I had to do it at the gym because my lungs DO NOT like to be outside in this lovely Wisconsin cold.
The best part of this past week was FINALLY getting back to a BodyFlow class. I never realized how much I missed it until I didn't go for a month. The new gym I joined has a HUGE studio for classes so there was lots of space and my yoga teacher from the YMCA teaches at my new gym, so seeing her was great!
Having the time to really focus on my health and fitness right now is really nice, although I would much rather be getting ready for my last semester of nursing school. No use in dwelling on it, just gotta pick up the pieces and move along.
Have a great weekend!