Weekend Recap
Well this past weekend was quite the adventure! Between binging on books at Barnes & Noble, driving halfway across the state and back in 18 hours, and eating a ridiculous amount of food and cake, it was a great way to spend my second to last weekend before school starts.
I picked up two books that I've heard amazing things about to add to my "to-read" pile, which is getting ridiculously high.
This is what happens when I clean out my purse. Does anyone need this many lip products on them at all times? I'm thinking not. Only three made it back into my purse...but by the end of next week, that will not be the case. LOL.
B and I spent Friday night and half of Saturday in Madison for a race I was running (the recap will be up on Tuesday!)
I completed the M2Challenge on Saturday. As a runner, if you completed both the Rock 'n Sole Half Marathon and the Madison Mini Marathon (both sponsored by BMO Harris Bank), you received an additional medal. This was my first year doing both as half marathons (last year I did the Rock 'n Sole 10K) and I loved it! I'm definitely doing it again next year.
On Saturday evening we celebrated my mom's birthday with some delicious cheesecake from Simma's Bakery (if you live in Milwaukee and have never had anything of theirs, you need to go get some ASAP). Trust. I also may or may not have picked up some eclairs to snack on when I picked up the cake.
I ended up spending Sunday foam rolling, washing my race gear (my goodness it was stinky!) and doing some general cleaning. I feel like all I do is clean and the house is never clean for more than a day! Grrr.
If you haven't already, enter my Julep Maven giveaway! It closes on Saturday!