The Caffeinated RN

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Race Recap: Rock 'n Sole Half Marathon

Well...I had intended to post this in the morning, obviously...except that I wrote my work schedule down wrong and had to work today! Womp womp! So, after rushing to work and putting in 8 hours with my fantastic (and understanding!) coworkers, I took a two hour long nap, did some cleaning, and went for a short run.

So, here we are.

The Summerfest Rock 'n Sole Run takes place every June, usually the same weekend of Polish Fest here in Milwaukee. The course runs along the lakefront and the Summerfest grounds, up to where Lake Drive curves to the west.

I never sleep well the night before a race, but I made sure to get extra sleep every night the whole week before. I got up around 4 am so I had time to shower, situate my hair, and have two cups of coffee. Oh, and triple check my race bag to make sure I packed everything.

We were able to find parking relatively easily. That's one nice thing about the Third Ward is that there are a ton of lots and realistically, besides a bunch of crazy runners WHO IS IN THE THIRD WARD AT 6 AM ON A SATURDAY?!

I found a $5 lot and we parked. The boys hauled their bikes out of the trunk (they sherpa-d for me) and I pinned my bib on. At this point I was getting antsy because I had no idea where the start line was. So I just followed the crowd and found my corral quite quickly.

The weather could not have been more perfect. While it was only in the 50s, the sun was out and there weren't many clouds so it really felt warmer than it was. Perfect running weather!

I had a few colorful words for the one sharp incline we encountered, but other than that the course was completely enjoyable!

This year, I didn't see anyone shit their pants/shorts, but I did see four pukers. Can't win 'em all.

This was Kale making fun of our friend for having a sunburn that matched my compression sleeves in placement and color.

Obligatory post-race bloody mary from Cafe Bavaria. It had cheese curds and bacon in it. Hashtag awesome.

Riley was quite perplexed by my foam roller. But I also had rolled it at him, which is probably not the best thing to do when one's dog has an anxiety problem.

Official race results. Excuse me, I PR'd!

Next goal: an under 2-hour half marathon!

This race was part 1 of the M2 Challenge. Runners can sign up to do both the Rock 'n Sole Half and the Madison Mini (also a half) and if you finish both, you qualify for a third medal! So NEXT STOP MADISON!

You can read my review of this race on bibRave!