Health Tip Tuesday: Re-Grow Your Veggies!
I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed today during my 106 class (yes, I know, I should have been paying attention...but 3 hours is a really long time to sit in a lecture!) and saw this posted on a friend of mine's wall.
How cool is that? I had no idea that you could do that with some vegetables! Not only is it eco-friendly and resourceful, but very financially beneficial as well.
I have been making a very concerted effort to eat more healthy this year. I have three half marathons and two 5K's to train for, so I have been more conscious of what I'm putting in my body. I don't buy things like heads of lettuce often (this is more of a spinach household) but I have some garlic that I might try this out with.
Articles related to this subject:
Re-Growing Lettuce - Lessons in Farming
12 Vegetables That Magically Re-Grow Themselves - Buzzfeed Food
If anyone has done this before, leave a comment letting us all know how it worked out!
Do you grow any of your own fruits or vegetables?