The Caffeinated RN

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Friday Love List

It's the first Friday of 2014! I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season and got to spend plenty of time with family and friends. My holidays were a whirlwind and while I enjoyed them, I'm glad that they're over.  Unfortunately, now I have to go about taking the tree down, which is one of the things I dread after the holidays mostly because it's tedious.

Here's a few things I loved this week.

We spent the early part of the week at our friends' lake house to celebrate New Year's. These two pups kept me nice and warm while I was dying from the plague. (Okay, I don't have the plague. Just a nasty virus.)

This is what happens when you drink too much bourbon and try to chase it with champagne.

Welcome, 2014!

This is a drastic reduction in the amount of stuff that we usually take up there. Granted all B's winter gear is not in this picture and that was a whole extra duffel bag. It was surprising the amount of beer that we brought home, but the boys were more focused on bourbon this time around. (7 bottles of bourbon, to be exact.)

I hope all of you have a wonderful, snow-filled weekend! Drive safely!