Weekend Recap

Time for a weekend recap! Not that I did anything exciting this weekend, but whatever. The life of a nursing student, right?

I should really start taking more pictures of what I do on the weekends...since the only picture I have is this, from my all-day marathon study session on Sunday with my friend Sarah:

Yes, we spent an hour condensing all of this information onto a notecard to take with us to skills lab and to clinical. If anyone is curious, I will divulge what "SLONGR" stands for. If you are a nurse, you can probably figure it out :)

I made some delicious pulled pork using this recipe; usually when I make this recipe (I've made it quite a few times) I use Sweet Baby Ray's honey barbecue sauce but this time, I combined Jack Daniels' barbecue sauce in hickory brown sugar and...I forget what the other one was called. But it was delicious. The only reason we used two different sauces was because the pork shoulder I bought was almost 6 1/2 pounds, thus the need for extra sauce.

I also watched season 7 of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix...and studied some more. What an exciting life I lead :)

B and I also got to spend a little bit of time with some of his friends from high school (whom we see on the regular) including his friend Doug and Doug's fiancee Margaret, who are getting married in June (so excited to get my dance on). We haven't seen them in awhile, so it was nice to throw back some SkinnyGirl Margarita and talk wedding stuff.

Go link up with Sami and share your Weekend Shenanigans!


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