The Caffeinated RN

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Its OK Thursday

Linking up again this week with Neely and Amber!

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...

...that I changed into sweatpants the second I got home from running errands today like my dog more than I like most people already be ready for nursing school to be over be unnaturally happy about the lasagna leftovers I will be eating tonight

...that I am pretty damn satisfied with myself for waiting until all the Target x Neiman Marcus stuff was 70% off to get the few things I was waiting on! also be excited that Starbucks just put out their Guatemala Casi Cielo coffee today! have a HUGE girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence

...that I honestly, genuinely HATE doing laundry, especially my husband's (you would too if your husband put all his clothing inside out before it went down the laundry chute) want to spend all day every day with my dog mention my dog on this blog and on Twitter/Instagram as often as I do