Friday Love List

Hello to the second Friday of 2013! I hope all of you have had a fabulous week and have a great weekend coming up. I had a great week including a wonderful day at work yesterday that reminded me why I want to be a nurse and work in pediatrics. Children are magical and their resilience is astounding.

Here's a few things I loved this week. Have a great weekend!

Had a nice coffee date with my friend Sam and read Whitney's blog, I Wore Yoga Pants To Work. It's awesome.

New London mug from Target and a blueberry muffin Larabar for breakfast. I'm not much of a breakfast eater, but I'm trying to start.

Token picture of my dog all curled up in a ball.

Pink life, yo. My Littman Classic II S.E. and my Simplified Planner. Two things I will be inseparable from come January 22nd.

How I'm spending my Friday. Going out is for the birds. And requires something other than sweatpants.

Arm candy from Coach and Baublebar. The Coach bracelet is my newest addition.


Its OK Thursday


Life, Simplified