2013 Goals
I have never been a big fan of using the word "resolution" at the start of a new year. I feel like doing so sets you up for failure. Last year, I simply wanted 2012 to be an awesome year. This year, however, I want to take charge of 2013 and make it one of the best years ever.
Therefore, here are my GOALS FOR 2013.
1. Work out a minimum of 3 days a week.
I belong to a gym and religiously attend a cardio class (BodyAttack) and a yoga class (BodyFlow) but I also need to start doing regular interval training and begin my training for the two half marathons I'm running this summer.
2. Be more conscious of what I put in my body.
I am a chocolate junkie. And a junk food junkie. This year, I want to make a concentrated effort to put good things in my body to help keep myself healthy.
3. Cook at home more (and get better at cooking).
I will confess that I will always go out to eat instead of cooking at home when given the choice. I want to cook at home more and find recipes that are healthy for myself and B.
4. Grow this blog.
There are quite a few blogs that I read every day and over the past year, I've noticed different ways of advertising on the blogs I read. Some of the bloggers have turned their blogs into a revenue-producing business and while I admire that, I'm not sure if I want to take this blog that direction. Yes, it would be nice if something I loved doing provided some income, but with my starting nursing school I'm not sure I would be able to manage and maintain advertisers, etc. I do love doing giveaways, but I don't want to overdo it. I want to do a redesign as well; my fund for that is almost full!
5. Kick nursing school's ass.
No explanation needed.
6. Be happier.
I'm currently reading "The Happiness Project" and it has really inspired me to live a happier, more fulfilled life.
7. Spend more time with my husband.
B and I don't spend enough quality time together and I want this to change.
What are your goals for 2013?