The Caffeinated RN

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It's OK Thursday

Linking up with Brunch with Amber and A Complete Waste of Makeup!

Its Ok Thursdays

It's get your nails done twice a month; what can I say, I like having pretty hands.

It's OK...that my favorite part of working third shift last night was that I had an excuse to sleep until noon.

It's OK...for my favorite part of my day to be snuggling with my dog.

It's start drinking my Sleepy Time tea at 4 pm.

It's OK...that I really love just starting at my new planner from Emily Ley (I'm an organization freak, so sue me).

It's be really excited that a Trader Joe's opened up closer to my house just so I can go buy some 3 buck Chuck wine.

It's really enjoy staring at my LV Neverfull...I'm a purse freak :)

It's love buying all the cute holiday gift sets from my favorite brands for myself.

It's have a little bit of a political crush on Rachel Maddow.

It's consider anything above 35 degrees Fahrenheit "warm" by Wisconsin standards.

It's enjoy reading Victoria Beckham's book, "That Extra Half Inch".

It's be working hard on lots of homework only because I know I will finish two of my classes before Thanksgiving.

It's look forward to Thanksgiving more than Christmas.

It's have complete pride in where I work and what I do for a living.

It's spend an afternoon reading fashion magazines even though all I ever wear are workout clothes and scrubs.

It's OK...for Grey's Anatomy to be the highlight of my Thursday.