The Caffeinated RN

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Superstorm Sandy

Last night, I hunkered down with Bryan and his best friend, Kale, to watch as Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the west coast. The family members I have are all okay and their home only sustained minimal damage. Unfortunately, a lot of people weren't that lucky. Over 80 homes burned down in Brooklyn, the Atlantic City boardwalk is in pieces, parts of New Jersey that people had been evacuated TO flooded. What a crazy, scary force Mother Nature is.

The silver lining in all of this is watching the emergency and medical personnel of NYC and the surrounding affected areas do their jobs under these extreme and dire circumstances. I watched last night as they showed nurses carrying babies from the NICU at NYU Langone Medical Center using hand-operated respirators after their generators lost power and the basement of the building flooded with 10-12 feet of water. These people are heroes, plain and simple.

image and story via

If you are wondering what you can do to help and are not in a position to volunteer, you can always text REDCROSS to 90999 and donate $10 to the American Red Cross relief efforts.

And remember to check out Yvette at Classic Glam's giveaway!