Friday Love List

Holy hot weather! It's been scorching this past week in Milwaukee! Not only has it been in the 90s, but the humidity has been out of this world! I supposed I shouldn't complain though, since it's cold here 8 months out of the year!
This past week was busy and fun. I celebrated the 4th on Tuesday in the evening with my family because I had to work 7 am to 7 pm on the actual 4th. My dad made delicious kabobs on the grill and my mom made apple coleslaw that was actually quite delicious (I was skeptical at first). Once I got home from work on the 4th, I was too exhausted to go out in the heat to watch fireworks. A lot of cities around Milwaukee cancelled their fireworks shows because it's been so dry here; they didn't want an errant ember to start a fire. I heard that on Tuesday morning, there was a guy mowing his lawn in a city about 20 minutes north of here and the motor from his lawnmower started his lawn on fire! I feel like we should all start doing rain dances.

Here's a few things I loved this week!

 A nice cold Wisconsinite from Lakefront Brewery is the perfect way to cool down during these hot days. AND, it's made with all local ingredients. YAY WISCONSIN!

 Mister Riley didn't want to get out of bed this morning (the bedroom is also where one of our window air conditioners is).

 Nothing smells better than freshly ground coffee.

 New OPI gel manicure in Strawberry Margarita.

Drinking freshly brewed coffee from my Beyonce the giant metal chicken mug.

If you are not familiar with Beyonce and want to start your day off with gut-busting laughter, please check out The Bloggess' post about Beyonce.


Cupcakes and Cashmere: The Book (&Giveaway!)


June Giveaway Winner!