i'll just wait here with the lights turned out again
Our first anatomy test was this past week. On Monday we had our lab practical, which is where my teacher put out models of bones, skin, and tissues, ad we had to name labeled features and sometimes just what the whole bone was. I got a B! A solid B! Then we took the written portion of the test last night...I really hope I did well. I walked out feeling confident, which means I either did REALLY GOOD or REALLY BAD. I feel so great doing well in this class, which gives me confidence for the next two semesters. I do spend a lot of time stressing about everything, but all you can do is take one day at a time, right?
On another note, fall has come! The leaves on the tree in front of our house are almost completely off, all the trees up and down the street are yellows and oranges, the weather is nice and crisp...I never thought I would say that I'm sick of summer since I enjoy the heat, but this past summer was a little too humid for me. I mean, I was down in Arizona for five days and in the 106 degree heat, it felt like 80 and humid here. I had so much fun down there, too. All Bryan's coworkers were asking when we're gonna move there. I think it's a wonderful place to visit, but I could never live there.
I've been in quite the baking mood lately, although I don't make things from scratch, I'm a bigger fan of mixes. I made banana bread the other day, and tonight I made mini chocolate chip cookies. I wanted to make some blueberry muffins but I have one solitary egg left, which unfortunately isn't enough for the muffins.
Well that's all I have to say for now, I shall leave you with pictures.
Bryan and I at Macayo's in Phoenix, AZ.
Myself, Jen, and Jessi...Clearwing Widows!
Last Brewer's game of the season :(
Homework, my life.
Riley trying to get me to pay attention to him instead of homework.